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Yoga & Meditation

The practice of yoga is important because it enables holistic transformation, including physical flexibility, mental clarity and emotional stability. It helps to release blockages, increase self-awareness and lead a more conscious life. Yoga balances the body, mind and spirit and promotes well-being. You can book private or group yoga sessions here, as well as workshops or retreats for your business with stretching panda.




You want to improve, to practice specifically, individually. Book your private or group yoga session to experience being guided individually by a teacher, for example with friends, family or colleagues. Sessions can take place at your home, online or at the stretching panda studio, depending on your preference.

Private yoga classes offer a customized experience for individual needs and goals. It allows for more intensive attention, direct interaction with the yoga instructor, and progress tracking. Group yoga classes in a private setting unite individuals with similar interests, promote learning and motivation. Flexible scheduling for personalized schedules. Experience a unique yoga journey, regardless of experience level.  All yoga sessions can be taught in English, French or German.


Do you want to create a work environment where your employees can thrive? Research shows that a regular practice of yoga and meditation reduces stress, increases productivity and contributes to an overall sense of well-being. Whether online or on-site. Yoga in everyday life creates a more serene, productive work environment. Stretching Panda supports you in this and has developed a versatile program suitable for all levels. 

Fully adapted to the needs of the company, stretching panda has already created programs for clients such as Condé Nast, Doctor Mi, Biesalski&Company, Kale&Cake, Allianz, FMS Managment and many more. In addition, Elle from stretching panda has been involved in International Yoga Festivals such as the Yogafrühling & Yogaherbst Festival in Bad Gastein since 2021. All yoga sessions can be taught in German, English or French.

Yoga Klasse
Yoga Gruppe


Imagine you could book an in-house yoga workshop for your employees that would lay the foundation for more well-being, less stress and more productivity in the working world. 

Or are you looking for an extraordinary company trip for your employees ? stretching panda organizes customized company yoga trips that offer your employees the opportunity to relax, regenerate, strengthen team dynamics, improve health and promote personal development - all factors that can contribute to a positive working atmosphere and increased performance in the long term.

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